#AmyloidosisJC on staging renal involvement in AL amyloidosis

You have a patient with 5 grams of proteinuria and normal renal function. The biopsy lights up with congo red like rudolph's nose

You check the serum free light chains and conclude your patient has AL amyloidosis. The family wants to know will he need dialysis? How long until he does?


The patient starts bortezomib and seems to be doing well. How do you know if his kidneys are improving? What do you look at?


These are the questions covered intonight's #AmyloidosisJC on:

A staging system for renal outcome and early markers of renal response to chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis

The amyloidosis nerds did a nice summary at Amyloid Planet.

 Hope you can join us for a spirited discussion.