The #NephJC primaries

The next #NephJC will be on a topic of interest to intensivists (which article, you say? haven't you signed up for the #NephJC mailing list yet?). But for the second #NephJC of May 2016, we are letting you decide.

There is a recent large case-control study of patients with Calciphylaxis, published in JASN. 1030 patients with calciphylaxis! Enough said.

In the same area of mineral metabolism, we had a systematic review of sevelamer versus calcium based phosphate binders, published in the CJASN.

In AKI, there has been some buzz about Pip/Taz and Vancomycin causing AKI. See #NephMadness post on this. A recent study was the first prospective study in this area.

And, on the commonest kidney disease, pre-eclampsia. The BMJ published a systematic review of cohort studies studying the risk factors. 92 studies, over 25 million pregnancies.

Check out this poll and vote in the next 7 days to choose what we should discuss in about 4 weeks time.