When Death Becomes Life: A Poetic Reflection

The difference between a “Palace” and a “Place” is a single letter,

but the gift of organ transplant can transform lives forever.

Once Kings and Queens, diseases subjugated internal domains,

then death becomes life to coronate once again.

Skin, kidney, pancreas, liver and hearts,

the necessary innovations came in pieces and parts.

To attain the impossible, attempt the absurd:

mastery of technique, dexterity, and the word.

Pioneers had conviction to reach for the stars,

they measured their success in mere minutes and hours.

We’re the same on the inside, just beneath the skin.

What lies in front and behind pales in comparison!

The donors’ tales are tragedies, but that’s not the story’s end.

With organs gifted we shout a note of victory and from death transcend.

Sometimes the outcomes are alas less than perfect.

Obstacles, hurdles and errors remain to be corrected.

Measures are taken but results sometimes falter.

Perfection is the aim, with convictions unaltered.

We can’t change our cards, just how we decide to play,

by attempting to launch ourselves on the crest of every wave.

The future of organ transplant lies just around the corner.

Innovators of the past we remember and honor.

Earth shattering accomplishments achieved on the backs of a few.

The real heroes: patients and donors (which you already knew).

Yesterday’s a memory and tomorrow’s but a dream,

but the gift of life’s the present that requires a remarkable team.

Poem by Brian Rifkin
Interventional/General Nephrology
Hattiesburg Clinic
Hattiesburg, MS

NSMC Intern, class of 2021