NephJC 2023 Pledge Drive

The 2023 NephJC Pledge Drive

Time to dig deep. NephJC needs your support (which is a euphemism for “needs your money”). Please donate.

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Other levels of support will be coming later. But we have limited number of seats to the live podcast recording so we want our best supporters to have first crack.


NephJC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. No one makes a dime running the place but we do have expenses.

We have a number of different domains that must be registered and maintained. Cha Ching! (,,, The Skeleton Key Group,,,, (yeah, we pay for that one),,, etc…)

This website, along with the NSMC website, Channel Your Enthusiasm, and The Skeleton Key are all hosted on SquareSpace. And those fees pile up.

The NephJC trophies are expensive, especially when you need to ship them around the world.

We pay software licenses for Zoom, Auphonic, Descript, and other services that allow us to create and provide FOAMed. We pay for our stock photos.

No one item is that expensive (well actually the trophies are quite expensive) but it adds up.

And we have get togethers once or twice a year. We did a bowling outing at the last in-person KIDNEYCon, we did a bar night at NKF Spring Clinical 2022, and we regularly have Tweet-ups at #KidneyWk.

NephJC Tweet-up in 2018, San Diego, California

We have funded this in a number of ways. Our first year we passed the hat around to our NephJC work Group to raise money. Satellite Healthcare has been a long time and regular contributor and supporter to NephJC. In 2019, Arkana gave us a generous three year unrestricted grant. That was awesome! And last year, The Flozinator Pin really funded us. But the till is empty and we need money.

Our bylaws prevent us from getting money or support from Pharma. We feel, that given our mission, it is an unacceptable conflict. However, cutting off the deepest pockets makes raising money difficult.

Last year we realized our dream and were able to raise money solely from our users and we were able to cut away from all industry funding. NephJC, and its associated activities, are fully supported by our users. We think this is the best way to assure continued, unbiased, free, medical education. We won’t ever close the doors to people that don’t (or can’t) pay. We want a Wikipedia- and NPR-style funding system, where people that use our resources, whether that is the podcasts, the website, the visual abstracts, or the Twitter chats, support the project.

So we are running the NephJC 2023 Pledge Drive. We are asking you to pony up and keep this project going as it has for almost 10 years. Please support us.

The money goes to running NephJC. You are not purchasing the above products. Those are gifts to thank-you for your donation. All donations are tax-deductible in the US.