In Shock, Chapter 2: A Hollowness

Sophia Ambruso illustrated her impressions of Chapter 2


I opened my eyes and it seemed my entire department was in my room at once. They were arguing about some aspect of my care. Something about the ventilator and fluids. One was discussing possible strategies, while others stared at the floor or out the window.

“We shouldn’t be here. Looking at her when she’s like this. It’s not right,” one of them said to everyone and no one.

“Have you told her yet?” I recognized my mentor’s voice. The question seemed directed toward my right side, which I knew from the feeling of his hand on mine was where Randy always sat.

“No, I want to wait until she’s off the breathing machine, so I know she’ll remember,” Randy said, with a tone of resignation.

“I’ll tell her if you don’t think you can. I’m used to giving bad news.”

They don’t think I can hear them.