
Freely Filtered 043: NephMadness and Animal House

Freely Filtered 043: NephMadness and Animal House

Episode 043: Freely Filtered is excited to be the final PodCast of the first NephMadness PodCrawl and we are covering the best region of NephMadness, Animal House! Join us as we discuss the Giraffe versus Whale kidneys and the torpor strategies of the American Black Bear and the Lung Fish.

Freely Filtered 042: Nephrin Antibodies Cause Minimal Change Disease. Wait...What?

Freely Filtered 042: Nephrin Antibodies Cause Minimal Change Disease. Wait...What?

Episode 042: Minimal change disease has classically been described as having negative immunofluorescence and to not be antibody mediated. But here comes Dr Weans with a fresh study smashing this orthodoxy. She proposes anti-nephrin antibodies as the etiologic agent driving minimal change disease.