
Freely Filtered 054: EMPA Kidney!

Freely Filtered 054: EMPA Kidney!

Freely Filtered 054: EMPA-Kidney. EMPA-Kidney is the last of the big three to report their Kidney Endpoints SGLT2i trial (CREDENCE for Cana, DAPA-CKD for Dapa, and now EMPA-Kidney for Empa) and it answers some questions that had previously been unanswered. Join the Filtrate as they tear it apart.

Freely Filtered 052: Acetazolamide for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADVOR)

Freely Filtered 052: Acetazolamide for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADVOR)

Freely Filtered 051: ADVOR turns the practice of sequential nephron blockade on its head by blocking the proximal tubule before the loop of Henle. Does it work? Join The Filtrate as we dissect the latest diuretic RCT.